Comwave Reviews and Plans

Provider Summary Information


Coverage: AB, BC, MB,NB,NF,NS,ON, PEI, QC & SK
Monthly : $24.95 CAD

555 0.5 reviewCount
Axvoice VoIP Service
FACT: When reviewing Comwave visitors in most cases feel Feeling angry angry!!

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July 22, 2023
Review Helpful? 0 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Kian ( , )
Feeling disappointed Disappointed Rating 👎

Review from

Good initial price then they ... p it up WAY high unexpectedly!
Dishonest to the core.
May 27, 2021
Review Helpful? 2 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Carl (Toronto , ON)
Feeling disappointed Disappointed Rating 👎

Dishonest dealings

I have found this company to be untrustworthy. My contract with them was up for renewal and I declined. They were charging double the going rate and the same rate as 4 years ago. Prices have changed since I got my account. They then offered me a discount to stay, so I did. My next bill was equal to 4 months of service and they tried to run it through my Visa without me noticing. Needless to say, I called Comwave and cancelled the service. I also told them I do not authorize any further transactions. Comwave then called me back and apologized calling it a system generated error. They said they would revise it and they did. They revised it to the rate I'd been paying the last four years omitting the discount promised so I cancelled it again. Because Comwave is vulnerable when your contract is up for renewal, they tell you anything. Then when you renew they don't keep their word and try to bill an amount equal to 2 years service for breaking the contract. It's a scam this is not a reputable company. I will sue them if provoked further. I will inform the CRTC and BBB as well and that is to start.
April 2, 2021
Review Helpful? 1 Yes No 1
Submitted by: Lisa (Ontario , ON)
Feeling satisfied Satisfied Rating 👍


I been with comwave so Many years I happy with my internet and TV they are loyal with me
March 3, 2021
Review Helpful? 2 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Phil (Morinville , AB)
Feeling disappointed Disappointed Rating 👎

Poor Choice

My wife signed us up to Comwave to save money. Perhaps we have, yet the product is awefull. First 2 years constant internet problems. No TV or internet for days at times.
Seems like connections problems were finally fixed a short time ago by Shaw Cable. Even so, when we have normal internet connection, unable to watch anything on TV uninterrupted. Will have mini freeze, lasts a few seconds. Worse yet? Will constantly circle and repeat what you have just watched. Very annoying when watching a sporting event. Constantly freezing and repeating.
Dumb part: We decided to cancel our landline phone, don't want it. It supposedly came free of charge. Comwave agent says we would be charged $300 to cancel service. $300 to cancel a "free service"?
Their customer service people are good and do attempt to give you good service. Yet over the Covid months, it was nearly impossible to get them on the phone. Took 2 years to solve our constant connectivity problem, which turned out to be a faulty wire connector.
Want to compromise quality internet and TV viewing by saving a few bucks? This is your company. If you want decent, uninterrupted internet and TV, good luck with Comwave!
December 26, 2020
Review Helpful? 3 Yes No 3
Submitted by: Marian Geerling (Edmonton , AB)
Feeling disappointed Disappointed Rating 👎

Never again

I moved. Not only did they try to charge me $175.00 to move the ... py service. $19.95 a month is a lie. If you want to DVR, extra charge. If one of your package channels has a few preview, when it ends they cut yours off, too, then change you to get it back. My $89.99/month has gone up to $150/month. But with the move I've had NO TV SERVICE at all since Nov. 13. The techs know nothing. They are stinging me along with bull ... "solutions" that don't work. And they want an illegal 3 year contract. Comwave is THE WORST service of the. So yourself a favour and just don't. Seriously, don't.
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USA: From $0.01
Intl. Minutes: From $0.01

Comwave is a Canadian telecommunications company that has been providing residential services, including internet, home phone, and television, since its inception in 1999. Over the years, the company has amassed a significant customer base and has been a key player in the Canadian telecommunications industry. The reputation of any service provider, especially one in the highly competitive telecommunications sector, is crucial for its success and growth. In this essay, we will examine Comwave's residential services reputation by analyzing customer satisfaction, reliability, and trust factors.

Customer Satisfaction

One of the primary indicators of a company's reputation is customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend the company to others, leading to organic growth. Comwave's residential services have garnered mixed reviews over the years. On one hand, many customers praise the company's competitive pricing and range of services, which include internet plans, home phone packages, and television options. Additionally, some customers have reported positive experiences with Comwave's customer service, citing helpful and knowledgeable representatives.

However, on the other hand, there have been reports of customer dissatisfaction. Some complaints center around service outages and inconsistent internet speeds. Slow response times to customer queries and difficulties in resolving technical issues have also been raised as concerns by certain users. Such negative experiences can damage a company's reputation and lead to potential customer attrition.


Reliability is a key aspect when evaluating a telecommunications service provider. Consumers expect their internet, phone, and television services to be consistently available and perform well without major disruptions. In this regard, Comwave has faced challenges in maintaining a consistently reliable service.

Numerous online forums and review platforms have seen customers express their frustrations with service interruptions, particularly with internet connectivity. Instances of extended outages have led to significant inconvenience for subscribers, impacting their daily lives and work activities. The perception of unreliability can significantly harm a company's reputation and make customers hesitant to commit to long-term contracts.


Trust is an essential element of a company's reputation, especially in the telecommunications industry where customers are entrusting their personal information and communication services to the provider. Over the years, Comwave has faced some criticism related to billing practices and contract agreements. There have been instances of customers claiming unexpected charges on their bills or being caught off guard by hidden fees and terms in their contracts. Such experiences erode trust and lead to a negative perception of the company's practices.

To maintain or rebuild trust, it is essential for Comwave to be transparent in its billing and contract terms. Establishing clear communication with customers and addressing their concerns promptly can go a long way in improving trust and repairing the company's reputation.


Comwave's residential services have garnered a diverse reputation, with both positive and negative aspects being highlighted by customers. While some customers appreciate the competitive pricing and available services, others have expressed dissatisfaction with issues related to customer service, reliability, and trust. Building a strong reputation requires consistent efforts to address customer concerns, provide reliable services, and foster trust through transparent practices.

To enhance its reputation, Comwave should prioritize improving customer service responsiveness, investing in network stability to reduce service outages, and ensuring transparent billing practices and contract agreements. By focusing on these areas, Comwave can work towards building a more positive and trustworthy image, leading to greater customer satisfaction and loyalty.

In all, if considering a Comwave Residential Services, consider:

  1. Compare plan AND pricing with other providers.
  2. Be sure to ask Comwave Sales agent upfront questions about:
    1. the contract term,
    2. Security Deposit, 
    3. how to get out of the contract, and penalties for breaking early
  3. Finally, learn by reading Comwave Home Phone reviews GoneVoIP has received over the years. Over the last 5 years, the trend has always been negative.

Comwave Home Phone Reviews

Consider that majority of Comwave Home Phone reviews do not recommend it and generally, visitors express anger towards Comwave. You can look at the five-year trend, and how historically customer experience has remained low. The Comwave user experience, as is a negative phenomenon repeated throughout other online review sites.


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Can I get same number I had with Bell Canada and disconnected about 3 wks back


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I just cancelled my Bell Land Line, how soon I can get the same #

Hello, When you sign up with a new provider you can request to keep your existing number. That is called, or referred to, as Number Portability and is applicable to all phone numbers. Having said that, since this is a process managed within the Telephone providers the number you wish to transfer has to be "Active" meaning you cannot cancel the account ahead of the number being ported. Numbers that become available are released to a general availability pool; which most likely in your case will be kept within Bell's pool of available numbers. In your case may be better to get a new phone number. Sincerely, The GoneVoIP Team

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I live in Niagara Falls. Can I have adt security with comeave? What do I have to buy or pay to set up comwave? All services. Phone internet & tv? Can I get cnn and other channels that other cable companies have? How much does it cost for all 3 services monthly? Do I have to sign a contract and if so how long is the contact for? Will a technician install services? I know it’s a lot of questions but I hope you can and will reply back.

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Canada VoIP Market Trends 2019-2024

The communications continue to evolve,  and as such so does the adoption of VoIP (Voice over IP). It is estimated the market will grow to dominate cloud communications, workforce mobility, and unified telecommunications. By 2025 the VoIP market will hit USD $55 billion with the North American Market getting the lion share of 40%. How did VoIP get to this point? On one side you have the traditional Telecom providers, think Rogers or Bell. With predatory contracts and billing practices that defy
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How to file a complaint against a Provider

If you feel you have a valid complaint against your telecom provider, you are not alone. According to an article in the Financial Post complaint rates rose dramatically in 2017-2018 by a staggering 57%. In fact, the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS) reported even more startling numbers with a 75% increase in complaints between August 2017 and January 2018. Most issues revolve around non-disclosure and people finding that their contracts have been inaccurately outlined by provider representatives. GoneVoIP offers an
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The 25 Most Popular Providers of 2018

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Are Home Phones Obsolete?

Do we need a home phone (landline)? In short the Answer is a resounding, Yes! It’s no secret the traditional home phone is in decline. Canadians are increasingly opting for cellphone-only households. The prospect of using a landline telephone looks antiquated, more so with each passing year. That being said, while the decline of landline telephone use shows no signs of slowing down, there are still very good and legitimate benefits to have a home phone. That is, if it’s VoIP (voice-over
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The Metamorphosis of Landlines

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Phone Power vs Comwave Phone Comparison – Revised

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Home Phone Comparison – Revised

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Online Security: How Secure is Your Provider?

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