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The Powerful Advantages and Disadvantages of VoIP for Business

In the ever-evolving landscape of business communication, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has emerged as a transformative technology that has redefined the way companies connect with their stakeholders. VoIP, a technology that enables voice communication over the internet, offers a myriad of advantages and disadvantages for businesses. This essay delves...

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The Residential Use of VoIP. A Powerful Revolution on Connectivity

In recent years, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has rapidly gained popularity, revolutionizing the way people communicate at home. VoIP technology enables voice calls to be transmitted over the Internet, providing an efficient and cost-effective alternative to traditional landline services. With its numerous advantages, such as affordability...

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Is the Almighty Mobile better than a VoIP Phone?

Considering the great powers of today’s Smartphone, this would seem counterintuitive. However, it is important to examine the facts. In the absence of affordable telecommunication services, many homeowners wonder if they would be better off using mobile phones exclusively for their daily telecommunication needs. It is a legitimate question, as traditional...

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The Most Powerful VoIP Star Codes Unleashed

All the features, known as “calling features” on VoIP lines are available as star codes. To use the VoIP star codes simply put the phone on speaker mode, and then dial the “*” followed by two or three digits codes. Most residential VoIP providers use two digits. On the other hand business providers will extend to up to 3 digits.

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How to Avoid Roaming Charges when Traveling

We live in a world where life without data connectivity seems to be a different dimension. The fact is, there are mobile phones roaming everywhere. Whether you are at home or at work, you are stuck in transit, in your home country, or abroad; online connectivity has become a basic human necessity along with air, shelter, water, and food.

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How an Internet Phone Number Helps Transform Your Business

It has been said that technologies allow jumping forward. One of those technologies is the internet phone numbers. About sixty years ago President John F. Kennedy uttered his famous phrase “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.” This has held true no matter where you look: ...

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Find here why is your Internet Router

How many times have I heard “the Internet is not working!” Frankly a lot. Is probably one of the most used sayings of the past couple of years. Certainly, a candidate to be ‘The Saying’ of the decade. More so with increased demand through the pandemic. Though, is “the internet” really not working”?

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How To Grow Your Small Business

A virtual phone number is the soil in which the seeds of businesses grow. This has never been truer, more so in an ever digital world.  Not that we’d presuppose the important role that a virtual phone number plays in growing businesses is tragically overlooked by many small business owners.

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Compare Best Residential VoIP ATA in Canada

There are many VoIP providers that support BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) which gives flexibility to the end-user to supply their own ATA (Analog Telephone Adapter). This is a good option for users that are technically savvy. Using BYOD may result in significant savings and is a good way for providers to save on costs.