Iristel Reviews and Plans

Provider Summary Information


Devices: N/A
Coverage: AB, BC, MB, NF, NT, NWT, NS, ON, SK, PEI, QC & YK
Monthly : $14.95 CAD

3 2 reviewCount
Axvoice VoIP Service
FACT: When reviewing Iristel visitors in most cases feel Feeling angry angry!!

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June 18, 2019
Review Helpful? 1 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Voip User (Calgary , AB)
Feeling angry Angry Rating 👎

Terrible Service

Iristel has had major call completion and quality problems for about 2 weeks and doesn't seem to be doing anything about it. This is a major issue affecting many downstream providers. STEER CLEAR!
January 27, 2016
Review Helpful? 9 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Troy (Kelowna , BC)

Do No Go With Iristel

Do Not Sign Up With Iristel. I have had their phone (or lack thereof) for a couple of months now and have had nothing but problems. My dial tone drops constantly and I have to power cycle their VOIP box every day or else I can't use my phone. Lately I have had to power cycle the VOIP box 10 - 15 times a day. That is beyond ridiculous. Their tech support is useless and they are quick to blame your ISP before they admit any issues on their end. Sure it’s cheap but what good is a cheap phone if it doesn't work. Either go with POTS (Plain Old Telephone service) or go cell. Trust me don't go with Iristel.
May 15, 2015
Review Helpful? 2 Yes No 2
Submitted by: Gabe (Toronto , ON)

Iristel VOIP works as advertised

I tried 2 different VOIP providers before settling on Iristel. You get what you pay for.

Sign-up for Iristel VOIP was fast and trouble free. I received their equipment in 3 days via Canada Post. I setup my router as per their instruction. The service instantly worked I didn't have to call anyone. Power outage is no issue the service simply comes back when the power comes back.

Their customer service is top notch. Unlike others, Iristel tech support is 24x7, they even respond to my emails overnight. I transferred my old phone number to Iristel. It only took them 6 days, I simply received an email from their tech support when my number transfer was complete, again seamless transition. I highly recommend Iristel VOIP if you are looking for trouble free home phone solution.
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Setup Fee Long Distance Rates

Canada: FREE
Intl. Minutes:

About Iristel

Iristel is a leading Canadian telecommunications company that has been at the forefront of providing innovative communication solutions since its inception in 1999. As one of the pioneers of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology in Canada, Iristel has played a crucial role in transforming the way people communicate.

Iristel's residential services are designed to empower Canadian households with reliable and feature-rich communication tools. The company's commitment to cutting-edge technology and exceptional customer service has earned it a strong reputation in the telecommunications industry.

With a focus on delivering high-quality voice and data services, Iristel has expanded its reach to cover a significant portion of the Canadian population, providing communication solutions to rural and remote areas where traditional providers may have limited coverage.

Iristel's dedication to innovation and customer-centricity has positioned it as a reliable and forward-thinking residential service provider, catering to the diverse communication needs of Canadian households.

Residential Services by Iristel

Iristel offers a range of residential services to meet the communication requirements of Canadian households. Some of the key residential services provided by Iristel include:

  • Home Phone Services: Iristel's home phone services offer crystal-clear voice calls and essential features, such as caller ID, call waiting, voicemail, and more, ensuring reliable communication within Canada and beyond.
  • Internet Services: Iristel provides high-speed internet services with various bandwidth options to support households with diverse internet usage needs, enabling smooth browsing, streaming, and online activities.
  • Television Services: Iristel's television services deliver a wide range of channels and entertainment options, providing households with access to their favorite shows and programs.
  • Bundled Packages: Iristel offers bundled packages that combine home phone, internet, and television services, providing cost-effective solutions for households seeking multiple communication services.
  • Long-Distance Calling: Iristel's long-distance calling options enable residents to connect with friends and family across the globe at competitive rates.
  • Mobile Services: Iristel's mobile services offer residents the convenience of staying connected while on the move, with various mobile plans and devices to choose from.


Iristel's pricing for residential services may vary depending on the selected services, location, and specific customer requirements. The company offers competitive pricing for its home phone, internet, and television services, with cost-effective bundled packages for households looking to subscribe to multiple services.

Iristel's transparent pricing and clear billing have been appreciated by customers, allowing them to understand their charges and make informed decisions about their communication expenses. To obtain accurate and up-to-date pricing information, residents can contact Iristel directly or visit their official website for detailed service packages and pricing options available in their area.

Client Reviews and Reputation of Iristel Residential Services

Iristel has received positive reviews from its residential clients, and its reputation as a reliable and customer-focused communication service provider has contributed to its popularity in Canada. Client reviews and testimonials highlight the following aspects of Iristel's residential services and reputation:

  • High-Quality Voice Calls: Customers appreciate Iristel's home phone services for delivering high-quality voice calls, ensuring clear and reliable communication.
  • Fast and Stable Internet: Iristel's internet services have been praised for their speed and reliability, allowing households to browse, stream, and work online without interruptions.
  • Entertainment Options: Clients value the wide range of television channels and entertainment choices provided by Iristel, offering something for every member of the household.
  • Responsive Customer Support: Iristel's customer support team has received positive feedback for their responsiveness and helpful assistance in resolving inquiries and technical issues promptly.
  • Convenient Bundled Packages: Customers find Iristel's bundled packages convenient and cost-effective, providing multiple communication services under a single provider.
  • Wide Coverage: Iristel's extensive coverage in rural and remote areas has been commended by clients, offering communication options to areas with limited access to traditional providers.
  • Simple Set-Up: Clients appreciate the ease of setting up and using Iristel's residential services, making it user-friendly for all household members.
  • Competitive Pricing: Customers find Iristel's pricing to be competitive and reasonable, providing good value for the quality of services offered.


Call Blocking Checkmark
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BYOD: Checkmark
Smartphone App: Checkmark
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Caller ID Name: Checkmark
Enhanced VoiceMail: Checkmark
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2016 The Year in Review

It is that magical time of the year when one can look back at the year from the rearview mirror. We started 2016 with a netTALK & Iristel dispute that left thousands of Canadian customers stranded. Then later in the year, the CRTC mandated a skinny TV package,  for $25. In theory, sounds nice, in practicality impact of such a policy is unknown and may be able to measure in a couple of years. CCTS reported Telecom complaints were down
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Online Security: How Secure is Your Provider?

Performing tasks online saves us so much time that we often take this convenience for granted. For instance, instead of visiting a bank, we are paying bills and transferring funds using our mobile devices or a PC. The same goes for making online purchases; within a few taps or clicks, goods are ordered and delivered to our doorsteps. Planning for a trip? Comparing costs and booking flights and accommodations online is easier than ever. All transactions stated above require you
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