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Compare Now Rogers Home Phone and VoIPly

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In today’s fast-paced digital age, communication plays a vital role in our personal and professional lives. Traditional landline services have been a staple for decades, but Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology has emerged as a viable alternative, offering numerous advantages. This comparison will explore two popular communication options: Rogers Home Phone, a traditional landline service, and VoIPly, a well-known VoIP service provider. We will delve into their features, pricing, reliability, and overall suitability to help consumers make an informed choice.

Rogers Home Phone

Rogers Communications, a well-established Canadian telecommunications company, offers the Rogers Home Phone service. This traditional landline service operates through copper or fiber-optic cables and is widely recognized for its reliability and call quality.

A old fashion red dial phone


VoIPly, on the other hand, is a VoIP service provider that leverages the power of the Internet to facilitate voice communication. VoIPly has gained popularity for its cost-effectiveness and feature-rich offerings.

Feature Comparison

1. Call Quality and Reliability

   – Rogers Home Phone: Rogers Home Phone is known for its exceptional call quality and reliability. Since it uses a dedicated infrastructure, calls are typically clear and free from common VoIP issues like latency and jitter. Landline services are also less susceptible to internet-related outages.

– VoIPly: VoIPly offers very good call quality but is somewhat dependent on the user’s internet connection. In areas with a stable high-speed internet connection, VoIPly can provide crystal-clear calls. However, in regions with unreliable internet service, call quality may suffer.

2. Cost

   – Rogers Home Phone: Traditional landline services are often more expensive than VoIP alternatives. Rogers Home Phone typically charges higher monthly fees, plus additional charges for long-distance and international calls.

– VoIPly: VoIPly is known for its cost-effectiveness. They offer various plans, including pay-as-you-go and unlimited calling, with competitive rates. International calling rates are also significantly cheaper than traditional providers.

3. Features

– Rogers Home Phone: Rogers Home Phone offers standard features such as call waiting, caller ID, voicemail, and three-way calling. However, advanced features like call forwarding and call recording may come at an additional cost.

– VoIPly: VoIPly provides a wide range of features, including call forwarding, call waiting, caller ID, voicemail-to-email, and call recording, often included in their plans at no extra charge. They also offer virtual faxing, which is not typically available with traditional landlines.

4. Portability

– Rogers Home Phone: Rogers Home Phone is fixed to a physical location and cannot be easily moved. If you change your residence, you may need to cancel the service or go through a cumbersome relocation process.

– VoIPly: VoIPly is highly portable, allowing users to take their phone service with them wherever they have an internet connection. This flexibility is especially beneficial for frequent travelers and businesses with remote employees.

5. Integration with Other Services

– Rogers Home Phone: Rogers offers bundled services that include home phone, cable television, and internet. While this can be convenient for customers looking for an all-in-one solution, it may limit the flexibility to choose other providers.

– VoIPly: VoIPly can be used alongside other internet services, giving customers more flexibility to select the internet provider that best suits their needs.

6. Customer Support

– Rogers Home Phone: Rogers is a well-established company with a comprehensive customer support system. They offer 24/7 customer service, though at times customers have noted marked frustration when talking with customer representatives. Rogers also has physical stores for in-person support.

VoIPly: VoIPly provides customer support through phone and email during business hours. It may not be as extensive as that of larger telecom companies though in general is seen as more responsive.

Pricing Comparison

Let’s delve deeper into the pricing comparison between Rogers Home Phone and VoIPly:

1. Monthly Service Fees

– Rogers Home Phone: Rogers Home Phone plans typically start at around $40-$50 per month for basic services. Additional features and long-distance calling can incur extra charges. Sometimes, savings may come in the form of bundling services, such as Internet, Wireless, and Landline. Though also means paying more overall.

– VoIPly: VoIPly offers a range of plans, including pay-as-you-go options and unlimited calling plans. Their prices are often more competitive, with some plans starting as low as $8.95 per month.

2. Long-Distance and International Calling

– Rogers Home Phone: Rogers charges per-minute rates for long-distance and international calls, which can significantly increase your monthly bill if you make frequent international calls.

– VoIPly: VoIPly provides highly competitive rates for long-distance and international calls, often at a fraction of the cost of traditional providers.

3. Additional Fees and Taxes

– Rogers Home Phone: Traditional landline providers like Rogers may have additional fees and taxes that can increase the monthly bill. These can include regulatory fees, 911 service charges, and more.

– VoIPly: VoIPly is known for its transparent pricing, with fewer additional fees and taxes, leading to more predictable monthly bills.

Reliability Comparison

Reliability is a critical factor in choosing a communication service. Let’s compare the reliability of Rogers Home Phone and VoIPly:

– Rogers Home Phone: Rogers Home Phone is highly reliable, with minimal downtime. It is not dependent on internet connectivity, so it remains functional even during power outages, making it suitable for emergencies.

– VoIPly: VoIPly relies on the internet, which means it may be vulnerable to outages if your internet connection experiences problems. However, many VoIP providers, including VoIPly, offer backup options like call forwarding to ensure uninterrupted service.

Suitability for Different Scenarios

The suitability of Rogers Home Phone and VoIPly can vary depending on individual needs and scenarios:

– Rogers Home Phone: Rogers Home Phone is a top choice for users who prioritize call quality, and reliability, and are not concerned about the cost. It’s particularly suitable for individuals who do not rely heavily on advanced features, mobility, or international calling.

– VoIPly: VoIPly is a versatile option for cost-conscious users who want access to a wide range of features, portability, and competitive international calling rates. It’s especially beneficial for small businesses, remote workers, and frequent travelers.


In the ongoing debate between traditional landlines like Rogers Home Phone and VoIP services like VoIPly, the choice ultimately comes down to individual needs and priorities. Rogers Home Phone on paper offers dependability (albeit tainted by the big outage of 2022) and excellent call quality but tends to be more expensive and lacks the flexibility and feature-rich options provided by VoIPly.

VoIPly, on the other hand, excels in cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and feature offerings, making it an attractive choice for budget-conscious users and businesses seeking advanced communication features. However, VoIPly, as typically happens with VoIP Providers’ reliability, is influenced by the quality of the internet connection. Which may be a consideration in areas where internet service is unstable.

Ultimately, consumers must weigh the pros and cons of each service, considering their budget, communication needs, and the reliability of their internet connection. It’s also advisable to check the specific plans and pricing in their region, as telecommunications services vary.

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