Worldline Reviews and Plans

Provider Summary Information


Devices: N/A
Coverage: AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, ON, PEI, QC & SK
Monthly : $19.95 CAD


13 1 reviewCount
Axvoice VoIP Service
FACT: When reviewing Worldline visitors in most cases feel Feeling angry angry!!

All Reviews

July 14, 2021
Review Helpful? 1 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Elisabeth (Hamilton , ON)
Feeling disappointed Disappointed Rating 👎

Be Careful when Cancelling Service

Not the greatest for internet speed with no resolution after many attempts. Changed internet service as not efficient when working at home. Cancelled service with refund of monthly bill owing. It has been a month and still not received. Was just told by billing it takes "12 weeks" for me to receive and goes through financial agencies versus a cheque sent directly to me. Heads up when cancelling. Don't pay your last full bill. Better to owe than wait 12 weeks for a full month's refund.
November 18, 2020
Review Helpful? 0 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Deborah Markle (Vancouver , BC)
Feeling happy Happy Rating 👍

Terrific Service

I have used Worldliness for a few years now and have found it reliable, inexpensive, accommodating and supportive. I transferred from my cell phone to my landline when my cell plan changed. Now I can call long distance from anywhere. And they just keep getting better.
August 6, 2019
Review Helpful? 1 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Ryan Ayecock (Kitchener , ON)
Feeling satisfied Satisfied Rating 👍

Excellent Value

Been with Worldline for a few months now and wish I switched sooner. Saw the negative reviews on GoneVOIP and wanted to share my experience...

I'm saving $80/mo versus what I was paying with Rogers, and I haven't had a single hiccup. Support helped me resolve an issue almost instantly.
March 6, 2018
Review Helpful? 5 Yes No 2
Submitted by: OvOoXO (Brampton , ON)
Feeling angry Angry Rating 👎

Poor Service

I would not recommend any of you guys to take any service with that company. I used to work as an agent for them, they false-advertise their service to you telling you that you will get the lowest price in the market, which may be true for the first two, three months then it will go up like any of the usual Canada companies with a better internet like Bell, etc. Also not to mention the wack and petty customer service due to having their customer service center overseas in the DR and not having any customer friendly culture, higher management treat them like slaves, the center is envolved in ... ual scandals and they get anyone who knows how to say ''apple'' in the phone to talk to customers, plus they pay those poor ppl less than $2.00 dollars per hour making them ''loving''their job even more. The reason why they send you a bell tech pretty much for everything related to the line is because they're renting damaged lines from them to get you a wack cheapy service. Actually, most of the times when you call customer service they don't even have the tools to fix your issue and they always end up sending a bell tech for the reason already explained above. I am posting this just to let you know about their scam, I spent almost two years working for them.
April 29, 2017
Review Helpful? 6 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Cassandra stewart (Oshawa , ON)
Feeling satisfied Satisfied Rating 👍

Horribly unsatisfied

I have had worldline for 3 months now and not only does our internet go down constantly and the router has to be reset, when I call for service help, they are not that helpful and only offer one solution of being put on another channel. After calling 6 times with the same issue I asked to have a technician come look at the router and was told I would have someone come Friday and would confirm with me on Thursday... Noone called to confirm so I called myself to confirm and was assured someone would be dispatched Friday. 5pm rolls around on Friday and no one has come so I called yet again, just to be told that they don't send anyone for wifi problems and ignored me as I explained to him what I had been told and just switched our internet channel yet again. The disrespect and attitude continued until finally I had enough and hung up. PLEASE SAVE YOURSELF THE HEADACHE AND NEVER GO WITH THIS POOR EXCUSE FOR A COMPANY. Will be switching just as I told the person on the phone who did not care one bit.
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Setup Fee Long Distance Rates

Canada: FREE
Intl. Minutes: 0

Worldline is a provider part of Fibernetics group of companies HQ in Cambridge, ON.  Worldline was established in 2003 and among the services it provides we can enumerate: Internet, long-distance calling, and Home Phone VOIP. Shall also be noted that Fibernetics owns the "free" calling services of Fongo and Freephoneline. All provide somewhat similar services and features, including Canada calling to most Canadian cities for free. is Fibernetics consumer's brand and the mainstream implementation of the very same backbone and services provided by other flanker brands such as Fongo and/or Freephoneline.

There are four plans available:

  • Basic at $9.95 per month or $119.40 + taxes per year
  • Canada at $14.95 per month or $179.40 + taxes per year
  • Canada & the USA at $19.95 per month or $239.40 + taxes per year
  • Call the World (50+ countries) at $24.95 per month or $299.40 + taxes per year

With the monthly fee of $19.95 for Canada/US calling you'll expect Wordline to pack more features, but regrettably, in Worldline Home Phone case the feature set is meager, and more so when compared to other providers.

Worldline Home Phone comes with the following features:

  • Unlimited Local Calling
  • Worldline to Worldline calls are ALWAYS FREE
  • Call Display and Caller ID
  • Call Waiting
  • Call Transfer
  • Call Forwarding
  • Three-Way Calling
  • Voice Mail
  • Voice Mail to Email
  • Visual Call Waiting
  • 611 Exclusive Technical Support Access
  • e911

When you look at Wordline as an alternative to Bell or Rogers then you'll save some moola. Though as it usually is when talking about VoIP or Digital Home Phone Providers. With that said, is hard to understand why would Wordline charge an "Activation Fee" of $9.95? Worldline's Adapter is reasonably priced at $34.95 but then you get hit with a shipping fee of $10.

The Canada & US plan is one of the most expensive we have seen. Looking closer, you'll see Wordline Canada & USA call is $10 more expensive than VoIP Much home phone plan. Do consider VoIP Much as just one example. If you look further you'll find there are many more providers and even better pricing out there. 

The International Long Distance calling rates from Worldline are somewhat good when compared to a traditional telecom operator such as Bell. Though Worldline customers have noted that the voice quality is generally poor, more of a hit and miss.


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BYOD: Checkmark
Smartphone App: Checkmark
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Caller ID Name: Checkmark
Enhanced VoiceMail: Checkmark

When will my number be activated,I had registered on June 4th, the service provider Koodos transferred the number on the 7th, got the equipment on the 11th my phone is not activated, I need my phone activated

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At one time Worldline offered substantially reduced telephone rates ie From Toronto to Saskatoon for 18 minutes for 34 cents. Is this the same Worldline that was offering this service back in 2015?

Hello, We are not aware of any change of ownership in Wordline. As far as we know it continues to be the same, a brand part of the Fibernetics Group out of London, Ontario. The GoneVoIP Team

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How to file a complaint against a Provider

If you feel you have a valid complaint against your telecom provider, you are not alone. According to an article in the Financial Post complaint rates rose dramatically in 2017-2018 by a staggering 57%. In fact, the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS) reported even more startling numbers with a 75% increase in complaints between August 2017 and January 2018. Most issues revolve around non-disclosure and people finding that their contracts have been inaccurately outlined by provider representatives. GoneVoIP offers an
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Rating  11     Rating  1
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Online Security: How Secure is Your Provider?

Performing tasks online saves us so much time that we often take this convenience for granted. For instance, instead of visiting a bank, we are paying bills and transferring funds using our mobile devices or a PC. The same goes for making online purchases; within a few taps or clicks, goods are ordered and delivered to our doorsteps. Planning for a trip? Comparing costs and booking flights and accommodations online is easier than ever. All transactions stated above require you
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