Author - Mighty Call

      Rating  9     Rating  2    

How an Internet Phone Number Helps Transform Your Business

It has been said that technologies allow jumping forward. One of those technologies is the internet phone numbers. About sixty years ago President John F. Kennedy uttered his famous phrase “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.” This has held true no matter where you look: ...

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How To Grow Your Small Business

A virtual phone number is the soil in which the seeds of businesses grow. This has never been truer, more so in an ever digital world.  Not that we’d presuppose the important role that a virtual phone number plays in growing businesses is tragically overlooked by many small business owners.

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The magic of toll-free numbers

When I was a kid my mother used to say “magical, magical, magical, poof” before doing a simple magic trick. As a child, I had no knowledge that you could not literally pull rabbits out of hats, so I was amazed, assuming that “magical, magical, poof” was some sort of whimsical phrase which could actually make magic happen.

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Managing the Small Business Roller Coaster with Call Recording Technology

Running and operating a small business is a lot like riding a rollercoaster. Oftentimes, things start slow: a lot of clicking and clacking as you steadily get higher and higher off of the ground, rising, and then suddenly…BAM. A fall, another rise, twists, and turns; sometimes you might feel ill, and sometimes the chaos may make you feel a little bit...

      Rating  8     Rating  1    

Pandemic Has Shown You Need a Small Business Phone System

“This has been an insane year!” is a phrase usually uttered by small business owners most years, but for 2020, it’s particularly relevant. A pandemic blew up the traditional notion of how business is done—with many small businesses, unfortunately, being done for in the process—and other natural disasters have whacked businesses further.

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Call Recording in a Nutshell

How to Record a Phone Call Originally, when Call recording first appeared for widespread public use, it may have seemed like something straight out of a police detective thriller – and it also may have received some skepticism at first glance.

      Rating  29     Rating  7    

How to Get an Online Phone Number in Canada

So you have decided to bring your business into the future with an online phone number. Great choice! Thousands upon thousands of Canadians have made the same decision, and with good reason: online phone numbers open up a wealth of opportunities for Canadian small business owners. They help increase your flexibility, ensure you maintain ownership over your...

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Toronto Phone Numbers

There are tons of options when getting phone numbers. This was already a fact when the internet was young, but now that we are about a fifth of the way into the twenty-first century, it has become exacerbated by globalization and the slow melting of international borders.

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Landline vs VoIP

Whether you are starting a brand new business or you are looking at making some changes to a business you have run for a long time, it is never a bad idea to think long and hard about every decision- top-down, bottom-up.