Welcome to our 2017 edition of the home telephone service comparison between traditional landline and VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) phone service providers.
Author - Andrew Lin
Online Security: How Secure is Your Provider?
Performing tasks online saves us so much time that we often take this convenience for granted. For instance, instead of visiting a bank, we are paying bills and transferring funds using our mobile devices or a PC. The same goes for making online purchases; within a few taps or clicks, goods are ordered and delivered to our doorsteps.
Summer Calling
The longest day of the year, also known as the summer solstice, marks the start of summer for all North Americans. Many people have plans to travel during summer either to escape work or travel as a family while students both young and old are out-of-school. Regardless of your reason for traveling, there may come a time when you would venture outside of...
Call you, may be?
Is it possible for one person’s long-distance bill via home phone service to total more than $3,000 in a year? The answer is yes and this is based on a true story. In the early 1990s, a close friend‘s partner decided to work overseas. There were no Skype or messenger apps so my friend consumed a massive amount of long-distance minutes and paid for it...
Do I need a voice plan for my mobile phone?
With the advent of messenger apps such as Skype, staying in touch with families and friends locally or globally is just an app away. The best part is: texts, video chats, and calls between messenger app users are free as long as a speedy Internet connection is present. As a result, I want to find out if a messenger app could replace my mobile phone’s...